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Minggu, 31 Agustus 2014

Beasiswa Data Print 2014

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  5. Penerima beasiswa di periode 2 tahun 2013 tidak dapat menjadi penerima beasiswa di periode 1 tahun 2014.
Adapun keterangan lebih lanjut dapat disini

Sabtu, 24 September 2011

Siung Beach, a New Charm of Yogyakarta

Siung beach is a beach in the District of Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta. Although including the most recent known, this beach has become a mainstay of the region. Clove is located in district Tepus, about 70 km from Yogyakarta. In contrast to the beaches have more formerly known as the beach, the Clove including short. This beach is located in the basin that is only around 300-400 m. But precisely therein lies keistimewaannya. Short beach is surrounded by large coral reefs colored blackish, mostly overgrown with vegetation and MOSS green. Combination of clear blue sea and greenery adds to the beauty of the reef panoramic place. Clove is not the most ideal beaches to swim because it is facing directly into the Indian Ocean. The topography of the coastline is Rocky and relaxing and the waves are big pun made it difficult for you to swim. It's no wonder locals put up a sign prohibiting swimming. But, of course You can still play around the water on the edge of the beach. Other features of this beach is still a large number of trees on the edge of the beach. You can simply hire a mat of the population is about and resting under the trees. Also suitable as a place to escape from the bustle of everyday, Cloves are very appropriate for those of you who have a hobby of photography. A short and limited coastal reefs it is a very interesting photo objects. If you don't mind removing sweat, You can follow the trail on the left side of the beach to reach the top of a cliff. About 10-15 minutes it takes to get to the top. From there, it would appear the whole beaches and reefs on the left and right. Also looks to Wediombo Beach, located on the eastern side of the beach. Besides being a tourist objects and images of interest, the area around Siung beach is also often made into rock climbing gym. Nature lover students in Yogya — and even out of town — often practiced here, utilizing the cliffs with the size of the varied and diverse paths. Because new known in recent years, the best-attended tourists yet Cloves. Its water is still clear, karang-karangnya still free from the hands of ignorant people.

Local residents had built stalls, toilets and a prayer hall on the beach. In contrast to most tourist attractions, the prices on these shores still belongs to normal so this beach can become cheaper streets option for you. When your stomach starts to bind, you can go to one of the stalls are lined up on the edge of the beach. Usually they provide instant noodles, rice and side dishes, as well as young coconut ice. You can also ask the guards for stalls new fish captured memasakkan fishermen.

Unfortunately, in this area many fishermen began arresting baby sharks and it is one of the protected species.Towards The Beach

With private vehicles from Yogya, You stay towards the path of Wonosari. From Yogya to Wonosari, capital of Gunungkidul Regency, it takes about 1-1.5 hours drive. Beware of the road uphill and winding. Until in Wonosari, just follow the road towards the beach Baron until an intersection leading to Siung beach. Total time taken to reach the beach is about 2-2.5 hours depending on the mode of transportation and the speed of your vehicle.

When you choose public transportation, you must take a bus to the terminal Wonosari. There you have to change with minibus at Tepus or Jepitu. At the last stop you should hire a motorcycle taxi.

Because the public transport is still inadequate, this way is not recommended. You are coming from out of town better hire a motor/car in Yogya, and traveled alone to locations are intended.

Don't worry, as almost the entire area of Yogyakarta, road access to the remote places – including Cloves and beaches nearby blacktop road – is smooth.

With a private vehicle, you will also be easier to visit other beaches in the area, among others, Sundak Krakal, Wediombo and Sadeng beach. Let's to Yogya!

Ticket price (formal charges) In Indonesian Rupiahs (IDR) :
The Rp 1000
Car Rp 1500
Motorcycle Rp 1000

How to Train Yourself so Creative

In the world of work, creativity is defined as the ability to find solutions or create innovative ideas in handling the job. In that process, You can also try the way or viewpoints that are unique or different in solving problems. Doing so will get a better solution, even very good.
Creative properties can emerge if we tenacious mengasahnya. Some people often feel creative. Many employees, especially those over the age of 30 years, feels it is too late to be creative. But consultant career Andin Andiyasari, MSi, believes that everyone can be creative.
"Creativity is not limited to age. There are people who get the idea and implement it at the time he was aged 66 years. One example is the founder of fast-food restaurant Kentucky Fried Chicken, Colonel Brian Harland Sanders, "explains Managing Partner CHR Psychometrics Consulting and Career Coach at Creative employees usually have the nature of the diligent, hard-working, independent (both in thought and action), can make your own decisions, and not wait for others to say what should be done.
He is not fixated on the procedure or system of baku and have the urge to think or work are original. He is only satisfied if a pure solution gets results of his thinking and meets the standards established. He was also happy if could give ideas, opinions, or something new.
Trainer of nowAccording to Andin, no word is too late to be creative. "Ventured to acting and confident with what you want to do, can bring up your creative side," clear Andin. Below are the simple ways to hone creativity. You can try and start it now too. The more often you practice, the more honed your creativity.
Observation. Observe the things that are around You and apply what you learn from the situation in the situation that You face today. This observation can be done by way of reading newspapers, books, or magazines, watch television, listen to the radio, and others. Or it could also learn from the experience of people around you. Open your eyes and ears, and do not be lazy search for new information. When used to study the situation of the surroundings, you will be trained as a time to see the same thing.
Modifications. You can start it by modifying or altering Your everyday habits. For example: to change the route of travel to the Office. By trying the other way, perhaps you will find the route that is more efficient and effective. Or change the custom of wearing watches (originally on the right arm turns into the left arm). This little change can stimulate your brain to think of a more unique way.
Elimination. Dare to do subtraction function when it turns out that it is precisely this lowering of the effectiveness and efficiency of work.
Adaptation. Being creative doesn't have to come up with original ideas is pure. Creative people often adapting what has applied elsewhere. Examples of Howard Schultz, founder of the Starbucks coffee shop. He adapted the habits of people drink coffee for Italy applied in America. Effort was turned out to be a great success. It doesn't hurt if you are inspired by the ideas of others and expand it. But be careful, don't get caught in the Act of plagiarizing or plagiarism
Source: Klick Here..!!